cjl wrote:
> John:
> I've added a section at the end of the first chapter of my tutorial
> that describes how to serve static content with the Django development
> server, which seems to be a frequently asked question.  See:
> http://www.instantdjango.com/chapter1.html
> Check it out, and let me know if you have any questions.
> Note that I am using relative paths.

Thanks.  Yes, using relative paths is the right idea - it's a shame that 
the base url's have to be hard coded in the templates.  I understand 
from a web efficiency standpoint of Django not handling static content 
but from an application development standpoint this is a real complexity 
we don't need.  I can see this becoming a real mess when constantly 
updating between development and production.  I did see another blog 
which demonstrated a way to use base url variables for static content 
with template tags but again this cummulative complexity for common 
things just becomes a showstopper for us.  Somehow the base url path 
should just be a simple entry in Settings.py and defaulted to the 
project location.

Perhaps Django just hasn't reached the ease of use maturity that we need 
or perhaps it never will.   I'm not looking to argue, just acknowledging 
our situation.  For now, I think we'll stay with Rails for rapid 
prototyping (which is more agile for us) and PHP for production, however 
ugly that is. 

btw: I think another section you could write on is deployment - ease of 
deployment seems frequently overlooked by many frameworks and is the 
major reason for us (and a lot of others I know) still using PHP, though 
I keep looking for something better.

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