Hello Felix,
In a very similar situation I have chosen option 2 for the following
 * the code was much more simple, at least simpler to maintain for me
 * Very hight control on the layout of the form.

I have taken this decision after spending several days working on a
"newform" based solution. And just for the record the newform solution
was working fine but was more complex to maintain/debug.


On 9 oct, 18:11, "Felix Ingram" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've been making great strides with my application since returning
> from the land of Pylons. Given that the app is all about data entry
> I've taken the customise-the-admin-app approach to things and made the
> switch to newforms-admin this morning.
> So far things are working: data is being entered and I've even got
> things rendering into ODT and DOCX.
> I've now got a little stuck, however. I have three models: Report,
> Section and Pictures. Sections are pieces of boilerplate which are
> added to a report and pictures are added to a section. Currently
> sections are edited inline with reports and pictures are edited inline
> with sections.
> What I would like to do is allow users to add sections and pictures to
> a report at the same time (effectively nested inlines).
> In models:
> class Report(...):
>     ....fields...
> class Section(...):
>     report = ForeignKey(Report,  ...)
> class Picture(...):
>     section = ForeignKey(Section, ...)
> I'm trying to decide on the best way to do this. I've come up with a
> few possible options and would appreciate any pointers about which
> would be the best (or worst).
> 1. Create a dynamic newform.
> This way gets all of the required fields onto the screen but I'd like
> to be able to group things in fieldsets and do non-simple layouts. I
> tried to create a template but ran into trouble as I didn't know the
> number of fields or how to test the name of the fields being looped
> over in order to group them.
> 2. Create the template by hand.
> I can just pass my report instance to the template and create the form
> manually but then I lose the magic of validation (which would probably
> mean I'd end up using formencode or similar).
> 3. Add a pop up to the current template.
> This would allow the user to create the section and then open a pop up
> to do the pictures. There are problems with ensuring the section is
> valid and saved first, however.
> 4. Mystery fourth option that I should have been using all along.
> I don't know much about this one; anyone any ideas?
> If any one's had to implement something similar then I'd appreciate
> any advice. Any thoughts or ideas would also be gratefully received.
> Regards,
> Felix

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