On Thu, 2007-10-11 at 15:04 +0200, Thomas Guettler wrote:
> Hi,
> I like django, but not models.FileField.
> * I don't want to store the files in MEDIA_ROOT, since
>    the access needs to go through django for authentication.
> * The containing directory should be given by the model of the FileField.
>   Example: 
> class MyFriend(models.Model):
>     picture=models.NewFileField(...)
>    if myfriend has id=1234 the file should be in .../myfriends/1234/
> * Unicode filenames should be encoded in pure ascii in the filesystem.
>    The encoding should be reversable, so that you can get the unicode
>    string back. This could be done with utils.http.urlquote().

Any halfway capable filesystems can handle non-ASCII characters, so this
is just an arbitrary restriction. It's something that could be
overridable (since people want pretty much arbitrary control over the
filename anyway, it's just another part of that), but it's not a default

> * The database should contain the unicode filename.
> Has someone the same problems?
> Has someone solved/coded this?

There's a ticket in track by Marty Alchin to redesign large portions of
the FileField storage and the like. That should solve most of your


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