I have a submission form.  When the form gets submitted I need to
check to see if the b_state form variable is set to 'KS'. If so, then
I need to let the user know that a sales tax will be applied to their
order.  If they agree with the price increase then they can select
'Submit' again and the order will be processed.

I currently have a setup that works...however I'm sure that it's not
the most efficient way of doing it.  So I'm posting my code in hope
that some of you django experts can help me make it better.  Here is
my function that gets called when the checkout page is displayed

def checkout(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        f = ContactForm(request.POST)
        a = theamount(request)
        if request['b_state'] == 'KS':
            if request.session['kansas'] == []:
                a = theamount(request, 1.06)
                request.session['kansas'].append({'style': "adsf"})
                request.session.modified = True
                return render_to_response('checkout_form.htm', {'fo':
f, 'o': request.session['cart'], 'p': a, 'isitks': True})
        if f.is_valid():
            request.session['orderdetails'] = {
                 'b_firstname': request['b_firstname'], }
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/plush/cart/success')
            return render_to_response('checkout_form.htm', {'fo': f,
'o': request.session['cart'], 'p': theamount(request)})
        f = ContactForm(auto_id='%s')
        return render_to_response('checkout_form.htm', {'fo': f, 'o':
request.session['cart'], 'p': theamount(request)})


As you can see I have problems.  Is there anyway that I can do this
without creating a session variable?  The only reason I have the
session variable is to know if the user has already seen the price
update.  That is how I know that I can go ahead and process the order.


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