I guess it all is just not possible in dynamically typed language...

On Oct 14, 3:07 pm, lmierzej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi,
> in models.py I have Poll class...
> when in views.py I do:
> poll = Poll()
> then when typing 'poll.' (just after typing '.') I get full and proper
> code completion and that's just great...
> but when I have something like this in views.py:
> def poll(request, poll_id):
>     poll = get_object_or_404(Poll, pk=poll_id)
> now when typing 'poll.' I get no code completion... :-(
> Why is that? In SPE Python IDE both examples work just fine...
> Does anyone use pydev and can check if he get proper code completion
> after using 'get_object_or_404'?
> Thank you advance!

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