I am always quite amazed at the horrible rewrite rules that people
often seem to have to resort to, to get fastcgi solutions working, if
that is they get them working.

FWIW, you might want to instead look at mod_wsgi as configuration is a
lot simpler and it will work with Apache 1.3 server on Mac OS X, so
you wouldn't have to upgrade to Apache 2.X. By using Apache 1.3
though, you do loose out on not being able to use daemon mode of
mod_wsgi, which is like fastcgi, but instead use embedded mode, which
is more like mod_python.

For details on mod_wsgi and Django integration see:



On Oct 17, 5:00 pm, jtm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> django 6525,  Apache 1.3, Mac OS  X Server 10.4.7, python 2.5.1
> (darwin ports)
> Following:http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/OsxFcgi, except I've
> added another
> folder into the nest:
> /Library/WebServer/Documents/django
> Added these lines to my httpd.conf (which, besides turning on php, are
> the only changes I've made to the default httpd.conf):
> FastCGIExternalServer /Library/WebServer/Documents/django/django.fcgi -
> host
> <VirtualHost *:80>
>     Servername django.local
>     ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/django-error.log
>     CustomLog /var/log/httpd/django-access.log combined
>     DocumentRoot /Library/WebServer/Documents/django
>     RewriteEngine On
>     RewriteRule ^(/django/m/.*)$ $1 [L] # for custom media
>     RewriteRule ^(/django/media.*)$ $1 [L] # for admin media
>     RewriteRule ^(/django/.*\.)(jpg|gif|png|ico)$ $1$2 [L] # some
> other media (mostly "accidentaly"
> in the root)
>     RewriteRule ^(/django/admin.*)$ /django.fcgi$1 [L] # admin
> application
>     RewriteRule ^(/django/myapp.*)$ /django.fcgi$1 [L] # your own
> application
>     RewriteRule ^(/django/.*)$ /django.fcgi$1 [L] # the rest of django
> (only if needed from the web
> root)
> </VirtualHost>
> Command line I'm launching inside /Library/WebServer/Documents/django/
> myapp is:
> ./manage.py runfcgi settings=settings.py host= port=3033
> pidfile=/var/run/django.pid
> I have also tried using the complete path to the settings.py.
> The server lives athttp:// There are other php things
> being served out of their own subdirectories in /Library/WebServer/
> Documents which are working just fine.
> a 403http:// 
> a 404http:// a 403
> myapp - there are no applications there yet. I was hoping that the
> admin site (which I can access when I run the development server), or
> that nice first error page from Tutorial 1, might be accessible.
> If I change the VirtualHost line to another port, such as 8247, I get
> "unable to connect" errors instead of the 404s and 403s.
> I've also tried not using VirtualHost as detailed 
> in:http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/browse_thread/thread/dc5a...
> Nothing is throwing off any interesting errors or logs that I can
> find.
> I would welcome any suggestions that would get things running in the
> form of:
> Thanks for your help,
> jtm

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