Thanks for the reply.  In looking at that link I found out about the
Paginator Tag.  Which I think is what I need.  However, in reading the
documenation about that tag.  It says 'To be used in conjunction with
the object_list generic view.'  I am not using a generic view.  I have
the following code in my view:

page = int(page) -1
posts = ObjectPaginator(request.session['test'], 1)

return render_to_response('search.htm', {
'start': posts.first_on_page(page),
'finish': posts.last_on_page(page),
'pages': posts.page_range}


I'm kinda lost in reading the documentation about the Paginator Tag.
I put a assert statement in my paginator function, however when I
accessed the template the assert statement never happened.  Also, what
is '{% spaceless %}'.  They say to put that in the template?

Thanks for any help

On Oct 19, 10:31 am, Rob Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't think it's 100% to your specs but take a look at 
> this:
> It's close enough for tweaking to get you 95% of the way there
> (maybe).

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