
I though of doing something similar a couple of month ago without reading
about It, I somehow change my mind.

I really like django, but I don't think it is well suite for this kind of
use. What i decide to do is a python client application which use the web
server as a web service to update information when online.

I didn't start my project yet, but one thing I explore, is to use a html
widget into my graphical interface and generate html with a python template
system (like the one django use).

Maybe more experienced django developper have a different opinion or
solution. It would be very useful.


2007/10/19, ArqEco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello friends,
> "The Story That Won't Go Away" comes back!
> I am a newcomer to Django and just read some posts from one year ago
> about creating standalone programs with Django and py2app or py2exe.
> What is the status of this issue now? Anyone found a solution?
> I need to develop a very simple issue tracker and (non-software)
> project management application to be used for a small team of up to
> five members.
> The application is being designed to be installed on desktop and
> notebook computers (where it will be used out of the office
> [offline]), and will have a synchronization feature.
> I think that even the built in Django development server would be fine
> to me.
> I tried a very simple py2app setup but stoped at the question of
> calling "python manage.py runserver" from my starting script.
> execfile() doesn't allow arguments ("runserver"). Any suggestion?
> These are newcomer questions but I am not a professional developer.
> Thank you for your patience :-)
> Márcio
> >

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