One of my applications has a view that uses a random number generator.
I am having some trouble passing a mock random generator to the view
for testing purposes.
I am relying on the mock object to get predictable results for testing
the view's logic.

After several attempts I came up with an URL that looks like this:

from import RandomNumberGenerator

urlpatterns = patterns('',
        (r'^total/$', '',
{'generator': RandomNumberGenerator() }),

My view:

def sum_of_random_numbers(request, generator):
        random_number = generator().random_number()

        if random_number == 1:
                # Render etc.
        # elif etc.

Here is my test:

from django.test import Client

client = Client()
response ='/total/', {'choice': 'random'})

I would like to pass a mock object as the 'generator' argument. How
should I go about this?
Are there any better ways to achieve what I am trying to do?

Any help would be welcome.

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