At 10:40 AM 11/6/2007, you wrote:

>Hi All,
>I tried writing some code to do table locking on a MySQL MyISAM
>database.  I used the code below, which seemed to work in basic
>examples, but the code would complain of accessing a non-locked table
>whenever I made a more complex query such as
>objects.filter(<foreignkeyname>__<value-of-that-foreign-key>) saying
>that the table <foreignkeyname>__<value-of-that-foreign-key> wasn't
>locked with "LOCK TABLES", even though I had locked the table for the
>foreign key.  Furthermore, it failed to lock if I tried to reference
>the table using the syntax of the form of the complex query.
>Has anyone had success running table locks?

Yes, I can get this to work, but it requires knowing exactly how 
Django is going to construct the queries -- what tables will be 
listed and what aliases used.  That means code you get to work now 
may easily break in the future if Django changes how it builds 
queries.  I would not be at all surprised if code that works today 
for this breaks when queryset-refactor lands on the trunk.  But, if 
you really need to make this work, it can be done.

Note that when an alias is used, you must use "real_table AS alias 
lock_type" in the LOCK TABLES statement.

Here's an annotated transcript of how I got lock tables with a 
non-trivial query to work with my DB.  Where I displayed the sql for 
the query I manually split the lines to highlight the tables involved 
in the query.  (Note my database existed before I ever started using 
Django so the tables and column names are not what you might expect 
for a Django DB.)


 >>> # Contstruct a query to get a list of Clues in the DB for the 
 >>> cl = 

 >>> # Naively assume the only table we need to lock is Clues itself
 >>> cursor.execute("LOCK TABLES Clues READ")

 >>> # See how wrong we are
 >>> cl
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
   File "/homedir/django/newforms-admin/django/db/models/", 
line 108, in __repr__
     return repr(self._get_data())
   File "/homedir/django/newforms-admin/django/db/models/", 
line 482, in _get_data
     self._result_cache = list(self.iterator())
   File "/homedir/django/newforms-admin/django/db/models/", 
line 189, in iterator
     cursor.execute("SELECT " + (self._distinct and "DISTINCT " or 
"") + ",".join(select) + sql, params)
   File "/homedir/django/newforms-admin/django/db/backends/", 
line 18, in execute
     return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
   File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/MySQLdb/", line 
166, in execute
     self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
   File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/MySQLdb/", 
line 35, in defaulterrorhandler
     raise errorclass, errorvalue
OperationalError: (1100, "Table 'Clues__EntryID' was not locked with 

 >>> Examine the sql for the last query to see what all really needs 
to be locked
 >>> connection.queries[-1]['sql']
u'SELECT `Clues`.`ID`,`Clues`.`Theme`,`Clues`.`Entry 
ID`,`Puzzles`.`Publisher ID`,`Puzzles`.`Date`,`Puzzles`.`Day of 
Count`,`Puzzles`.`Block Count`,`Puzzles`.`Avg Entry 
Length`,`Puzzles`.`Avg Scrabble Value`,`Puzzles`.`Unused 

FROM `Clues`

INNER JOIN `Entries` AS `Clues__EntryID` ON `Clues`.`Entry ID` = 
`Clues__EntryID`.`Entry ID` ,





WHERE ((NOT ((`Clues`.`Derived` = True))) AND 
`Clues__EntryID`.`Entry` = DJANGOREINHARDT) AND `Clues`.`Entry ID` = 
`Entries`.`Entry ID` AND `Clues`.`Puzzle ID` = `Puzzles`.`Puzzle ID` 
AND `Puzzles`.`Publisher ID` = `Publishers`.`Publisher ID` AND 
`Puzzles`.`Author ID` = `Authors`.`Author ID` ORDER BY `Clues`.`Dir` 
ASC, `Clues`.`Num` ASC'

 >>> # Try again, this time locking all the tables & aliases used in the query
 >>> cursor.execute("LOCK TABLES Clues READ, Entries as 
Clues__EntryID READ, Entries READ, Puzzles READ, Publishers READ, 
Authors READ")

 >>> # And now the query works
 >>> cl = 
 >>> cl
[<Clues: DJANGOREINHARDT: Belgian jazz great>]



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