On 29 Nov 2007, at 11:08 am, David Reynolds wrote:

> On 29 Nov 2007, at 11:01 am, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
>> but who locked the topic? It was open before
> This perhaps:
> ./freenode/2007/09/20/#django.log:10:44 -!- mode/#django [+t] by rob

Extra context to that:

10:44 -!- rob [EMAIL PROTECTED]/staff/rob] has joined #django
10:44 < luckymurali_81> i will see that
10:44 -!- mode/#django [+t] by rob
10:44 < denny> thanks rob
10:44 -!- wlanionut [EMAIL PROTECTED] has joined #django
10:44 < rob> np

Seems like someone asked for it?!

Very confused about this..

David Reynolds

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