hi folks, I'm using the django app "nesh.thumbnails" for my thumbnails
stuff and I got two problems:
1- how can I generate thumbnails for the admin interface using this
app, I try this approach:

def admin_thumbnail(self):
        if self.image:
            return '{%% load nesh.thumbnails %%} <img src="{{
%s|thumbnail:"width=64,height=64" }}" width="64" height="64" />' %
        return ''
admin_thumbnail.short_description = 'Thumbnail'
admin_thumbnail.allow_tags = True

but it doesn't work, then I try this:

    def admin_thumbnail(self):
        from nesh.thumbnails import *
        if self.image:
            return '<img src="%s">' % make_thumbnail(self.get_image_url(), 120)
    admin_thumbnail.short_description = 'Thumbnail'
    admin_thumbnail.allow_tags = True

it works but this approach got a little problem, when I remove the
object from the database, it doesn't delete the admin thumbnails.
because the way it rename the thumbnails when you set auto_rename =
True. It rename the thumbnails to <class name>-<field name>-<object
pk>.<ext> but this is done in the pre_save signal so, when you are
going to save an object the first time, it doesn't have the primary
key number set yet and this had two implications:
1- If there is any object image in the path you are going to save this
image, this new image overwrite the old image.
2- due to the first immplication, if you delete and object with an
image, it will delete the image too, but this image is shared across
all objects added after the object being deleted. This is true for
objects of the same type (model).

2- Is there any way to add templates tags, filters or variables
dinamically to the templates of the admin interface, something like

class TestModel(models.Model):
    def do_something(self):
        return '{{ "col name"|upper }}'
    do_something.allow_tags = True
    class Admin:
        list_display = [...,'do_something'...]

Lic. José M. Rodriguez Bacallao
Todos somos muy ignorantes, lo que ocurre es que no todos ignoramos lo mismo.

Recuerda: El arca de Noe fue construida por aficionados, el titanic
por profesionales

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