
On Tue, Dec 11, 2007 at 01:37:36PM -0500, Richard Coleman wrote:
> Rajesh Dhawan wrote:
> >> When I stress test the dynamic part of the site, I am only getting about
> >> 300 requests per second on my test setup.  This is using two Dell 1950's
> >> (one for web, one for mysql database).  These are very powerful machines
> >> (3.0ghz Xeons, 8 cores each, 16 gig of ram, 15k SAS drives, etc.)
> >
> > - How are you running your Django app? Mod_python? FastCGI?
> > - What web server are you using?
> > - What's the nature of the dynamic Django request you are measuring?
> > How many DB queries does it make? Is DEBUG mode off?
> > - What kind of numbers do you get when you serve a simple and small
> > HTML file statically from your Web server without Django?
> > - What kind of numbers do you get when the Django view you are
> > benchmarking goes directly to a simple template (i.e. no DB queries)?
> > - Are you using memcache?
> 1. mod_python
> 2. apache 2.2.4
> 3. I'm using funkload and ab to measure the requests per second of one 
> of the base pages within the dynamic part of the website
> 4. When I hit a static page in the same way (using ab), I get 6500 
> requests per second.
> 5. This is without memcached, or any other caching.

I'm not all that qualified to comment as I've never done this sort of testing,
but I do wonder if the performance you are seeing may not be all that
unreasonable, given that no caching is currently being performed?  Using
memcached has been known to improve performance dramatically.

Profiling never hurts, but there's nothing wrong with doing the easy stuff
first, right?

Forest Bond

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