
On Wed, Jan 02, 2008 at 09:35:33AM -0600, James Bennett wrote:
> On Jan 2, 2008 8:20 AM, Forest Bond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I disagree.  Exceptions represent "exceptional situations," not all of 
> > which are
> > necessarily errors.  For instance, SystemExit is not really an error, is it?
> > What about StopIteration?
> By that analogy as well, exceptions would be the wrong choice here:
> what's "exceptional" about returning a redirect? A 404 or 500 is
> exceptional -- it's something outside of otherwise-routine operation.
> But redirecting from one page to another *is* a part of routine
> operation.

StopIteration represents a routine action: the end of a loop.  What is
exceptional about it is the interruption in flow, much like a redirection can be
thought of as an interruption in content generation (in a view).  An exception
means "stop what you're doing and deal with this new condition."

This is probably a pointless argument, though.  Clearly, you prefer to use
exceptions exclusively for error conditions, and I don't mind (ab)using them for
other purposes as well.  I view exceptions as a more general message-passing
mechanism with some advantageous properties, not just a red flag to throw when
things go sour.  I wouldn't use them for everything, but they do lend themselves
to some "stop that and do this instead" situations.

Forest Bond

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