Hello Everyone,

you might have previously read posts from me about splicemusic.com, 
which now successfully runs on django. Quite a while ago I created the 
Freesound Project ( http://freesound.iua.upf.edu ), which in turn became 
hugely popular and a victim of it's own success (i.e. drowning in 
users). I am now considering rewriting it in django.

Now, I've learned some valuable lessons from writing splicemusic with 
django and there are (still) some issues that really bother me. Some 
feedback on these rather varied topics would be great.

1. huge numbers of users make the admin almost unusable. Almost any 
objects is related to a user (or two). Having to load 500K users in a 
form makes for ultra big and slow web pages. Is there a fix for this 
somewhere in the future?

2. file uploads are the most vital part of freesound. While I have used 
tramline successfully with splice, it still feels like a relatively ugly 
solution to me (especially as you need to patch mod_python in order for 
it to work). As far as I know streaming file uploads have been on the 
todo for more than a year.

3. finegrained permissions. "I only want my friends to be able to edit 
my tags." Again people seem to be working on this, but nothing seems to 
be making it into trunk. Does anyone have a good soliution for this 
particular problem, or is it still really a matter of "roll your own"?

4. profiles and get_profile() in the django User. In splice we noticed 
that having to use get_profile() creates a big overhead in queries... 
This seemed to fix this problem:
but seems quite "hacky" as well.

For be it from critisizing django, I'm trying to evaluate again if it's 
a good idea to use django for a website which has relatively heavy 
demands in bandwidth and a big heap of users (500K and rising about 

I love django, and I had a great time using it for splice, but... these 
4 issues still give me headaches :)

  - bram

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