
I stress again that I don't know a ton about the django template system, (or any for that matter)
That being said, I will proceed to say what I think I know:

I don't believe that there is a macro-like feature in the django template system that could do that. You'd have to switch completely to jinja in order to get that functionality. I know that isn't what you want to hear.
It sounds like that it would be a useful feature...

<pause for searching for a ticket>

In my handful of searches, I couldn't find an open ticket for such a feature. You could create one to suggest it. It would be something I could learn to use in my templates, given it was available.

Good luck!

Jeff Anderson

hi jeff, thanks for your response.

writing tags to replace macros looks like an overkill to me.
especially because a macro may hold a content that's specific to a
template and such a thing naturally belongs to the template itself and
shouldn't go somewhere deep into the python codebase.

have this example simplified from my app i'm where with Jinja I could

{% macro display_person name, email %}
    <p><a href="mailto:{{ email }}">{{name}}</a></p>
{% endmacro %}

<h2>Subscribed people</h2>
    {% for person in persons.subscribed %}
        {{ display_person(person.name, person.email) }}
    {% endfor %}

<h2>Not subscribed people</h2>
    {% for person in persons.notsubscribed %}
        {{ display_person(person.name, person.email) }}
    {% endfor %}

having "display_person" as a template tag looks like a total overkill
given the relative complexity of writing template tags. and having the
simple <p><a ...></p> in a separate file for 'include' doesn't look
sane either. it's just a piece of reusable html/template that
logically belongs to the template itself.

is there any way perhaps with 'block' tag to achieve this macro-like



On Jan 22, 3:47 pm, Jeff Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm no expert with any template system, but I believe you can write your
own template tags for django's template system.


At the section called "Extending the template system"

Hopefully this is a good starting point!

Jeff Anderson

Papalagi Pakeha wrote:
hi there!
i wonder if there is any way to have Macros in django templates
similar to what Jinja has (http://jinja.pocoo.org/)?
the closest i could get was using 'include' tag and have the
repetitive content in a standalone file, but it's pretty obscure to
have a separate file for each little bit of content that to be
repeated here and there.
is there any other way other than switching to Jinja to get some sort
of macros in django templates?
thanks papa

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