Carl Karsten wrote on 02/01/08 01:34:
> newforms is great for creating forms.  I need something similar to generate a 
> display form from a model.
> I looked at subclassing form, but what I would need to override is in the 
> widgets.  which is probably why my hope isn't a good one.  but for what I 
> need, 
> I only am using char fields, so I don't have to worry about widgets.
> So, is there some way to render a form as just text?

I've been using the following for something similar:

class PlainText(forms.HiddenInput):
     def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
         return u'%s%s' % (forms.HiddenInput.render(self, name, value, 
attrs), value)

def myobject_formfield_callback(field, **kwargs):
     if in ('hostname', 'ipaddress'):
         kwargs['widget'] = PlainText()
         return field.formfield(**kwargs)
         return field.formfield(**kwargs)

def myview(request):
     myobject = get_object_from_somewhere()
     initial = myobject.__dict__
     FormClass = forms.form_for_instance(myobject, 
     form = FormClass(initial=initial)

In my example I just want certain fields to show as text. If you want 
that for all of them change the formfield_callback to always change the 

If you only want the plain value without a hidden field change the 
PlainText.render method accordingly.

Works for me.


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