I'll try to respond to some of these points. To be fair, I haven't spent
much time looking at the internals of djWarehouse. From the surface, it
seems like they have some good experience and design going into the product.
I'll point out some differences - but they are mostly based on looking at
the site and not actually playing with the code:

- Satchmo is a community app while djWarehouse is built by a company (but
released open source) and used for their needs. There are at least 5 Satchmo
stores in production and probably more out there that I don't know about.
Our mailing list has over 400 users and the dev list has about 75 people. We
do get lots of patches and bug fix suggestions from the community but there
are only 4 of us with commit privileges. djWarehouse has more of a dedicated
team. I don't know that one model is better than the other - they are
Satchmo has addition features such as:
-  payment modules for Authorize.net, Paypal, Google, cybersource and
trustcommerce. It also has a COD module and auto success module which might
be useful for certain types of sites.
-  UPS integration for estimating shipping charges.
- support for multiple product types including gift certificates,
downloadable products, custom products, etc.
- Satchmo allows you to generate PDF invoices and packing slips.
- supports multiple shipping calculation methods and includes geographic
info for most countries.
- Satchmo allows translation of content and allows you to test the different
- Satchmo has extensive unit tests
- There are probably others but these are some of the things that come to
mind immediately.

To be fair, Satchmo has 2 main warts:
- The product models are not as extensible as we'd like. It can be done but
it could be cleaner. I'm hopeful that the new model inheritance code will
help us out.
- The admin interface could be slicker. Our plan is to tackle that as part
of the newforms admin merge.

There's also a constant struggle with building "frameworks." Trying to
decide what does and does not go in is hard. Sometimes I think we hit it
right and other times I'm not sure. I think the djWarehouse crew felt we had
too much in the framework. It's a fair comment and reasonable people may
disagree on this point.

I will also freely admit that I am a native english speaker (and do not
speak any other languages with any proficiency whatsoever) and that I do try
to spend time promoting Satchmo ;) My main goal is to let people know there
is a reasonable alternative to OsCommerce! I don't want to put down
djWarehouse or other projects. I suspect there is a lot we can learn from
their project and would welcome any specific criticisms or suggestions for
improving Satchmo. It's a big internet out there and there are a lot of
different needs. I'd prefer to have 1 framework out there to consolidate
efforts but sometimes that just isn't possible.

If someone has played with both versions and has any more specific details,
feel free to let me know.


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