How about:

a = A.objects.get(pk=1)
c = C.objects.filter(Q(a__exact = a) | Q(b__a__exact = a)).distinct()

On 4/14/08, Jeff Gentry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a setup that I figured I could just crib off of the
> User/Group/Permission code because the setup is basically identical, but
> falling a bit short here (perhaps I'm just not looking at the right code).
> I have three classes, As, Bs & Cs.
> A has a M2M relationship with both B & C.
> B has a M2M relationship with C.
> For any given instance of A, I want to see all of its C's - either
> directly via its M2M or inherited via its Bs.  You can see why I said this
> is basically identical to the user/group/permission setup.
> I looked at django.contrib.auth.models and Group has a M2M
> "permissions" and User has a M2M user_permissions, but all of the code
> that I found referencing a user's effective permission set is going out to
> the auth backends which I'm sure is not really what I want to do here.  Is
> there another place to look to find the best way to get what I want?
> >

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