If you are getting the correct resultset, just with parents multiple
times, add .distinct() to your queryset.

On Apr 24, 1:17 am, Kevin L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Django users, I'm having trouble with an exclude statement and
> was hoping some kind soul could help me out. My models are simple,
> it's basically just two models with a ForeignKey relationship.
> class Parent(models.Model):
>   pass
> class Child(models.Model):
>   name = models.CharField(maxlength=100)
>   parent = models.ForeignKey(Parent)
> I want to get every parent who does not have a child named "Bob". I
> initially thought this would just be one exclude statement -
> Parent.objects.exclude(child__name="Bob")[:100]
> However, this gives me a list that includes many parents multiple
> times - basically each parent is in the list once for each child not
> named Bob, even if they do have a child named Bob. This makes sense
> looking at the sql query -
> SELECT "foo_parent"."id" FROM "foo_parent" INNER JOIN "foo_child" AS
> "foo_parent__child" ON "foo_parent"."id" =
> "foo_parent__child"."parent_id" WHERE ((NOT
> ("foo_parent__child"."name" = Bob))) DESC LIMIT 100
> But what I really want is to discard a parent entirely if they have a
> child named Bob.
> Any advice for what I'm doing wrong here, or suggestions on a
> workaround? I'm using django version 0.96. Often > 99% of the parents
> have children named Bob, so I'd rather avoid filtering them out in
> python.
> Thanks in advance!
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