If you're going to use YUI, I'd check out Ojay (http://
ojay.othermedia.org/). Raw YUI is very verbose; Ojay is a convenience
layer on top of it.


On Apr 29, 12:09 pm, ydjango <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks, Going ahead with YUI.
> Reasons for choosing yui
> 1) Free and from Yahoo. Well supported.
> 2) Grids
> 3) Datatable
> Surprising,  how very few frameworks support data tables and  how hard
> is to do data table. I would have expected this to be something out of
> box for all frameworks.
> Even Mainframes have it and had it for decades.
> Ashish
> On Apr 22, 6:23 am, desfrenes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Don't miss JQuery !
> > On Apr 21, 8:33 pm, Rajesh Dhawan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On Apr 21, 2:13 pm,ydjango<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Django is a pretty good framework for server side web development.
> > > > client side Web development is also very time consuming and painful.
> > > > For Web Client side development, are there any good web ui frameworks
> > > > which can make developing look and feel and ui of a web site as easy
> > > > and as productive as Django does for server side.
> > > > Any client side frameworks Django developers have used to ease that
> > > > pain and save time?
> > > > Recommendations will be appreciated.
> > > In no particular order:
> > > ExtJS
> > > YUI
> > > Prototype
> > > Dojo
> > > ....
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