> I'd like to use something like the Django sessions middleware,
> but I don't want to involve cookies or HTTP request headers
> at all.  Does anyone have a good way to do this?

Why not?  You've got to use some kind of transport to get the XML
there anyway, and django is built with HTTP in mind.  I've been doing
json-rpc over http using django (and cookie based sessions) and it has
been working well.  I don't know if it would help, but my approach
with json-rpc was to:

Create the methods to expose, and 'register' them in a similar way to
how template tags are registered.  Registering pretty much just
associated a string name with the actual function and some meta data
for permission checks in a singleton.

Create a single view per app that receives the rpc request (post
data), determines the exposed method name and extracts the arguments
and then passes that to a dispatcher function along with the current

The dispatcher function checks the exposed function registry for that
method name and the meta for authentication/permission requirements
and if met calls the function requested and returns the result which
is return in a JSONRPCResponse object (subclassed HttpResponse) that
handles packaging/serializing to json-rpc form, or if there were
errors the dispatcher catches them and converts python exceptions to
json-rpc form that reponse instead.

The core logic for the app is in the registered functions which return
python types so they can be used in normal views too.

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