Alex wrote:
> I'm working on my first Django project and I can't seem to get
> information printed out as I would like it. I'm trying to print out
> quotes to a page with the newlines turned into HTML <br> tags (similar
> to PHP's nl2br function). So far I've been able to do this using the
> __str__ function for the Quote model, but it escapes the tags into
> html entities that I see the tags in my browser instead of the line
> breaks. I'm using the development version of Django.
> Here's what my __str__ function looks like:
> return self.quote.replace('\n', '<br />')
> And I'm just printing them out with a generic view that looks like
> this:
>     {% for quote in object_list %}
>         <div class="quote">{{ quote }}
You need to run your HTML through the safe filter.
Django auto escapes HTML.
so the above would be {{ quote|safe}}



Adi J. Sieker         mobile: +49 - 178 - 88 5 88 13
Freelance developer   skype:  adijsieker
SAP-Consultant        web:

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