ringemup wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I feel like I must be doing something stupid.  I've got the following
> view:
> def adopt_bunny(request, id):
>       try:
>               bunny = Bunny.objects.get(pk=int(id))
>       except:
>               raise Http404
>       adoptions = bunny.adoption_count
>       adoptions = adoptions + 1
>       bunny.adoption_count = adoptions
>       bunny.save()
>       return single_bunny(request, id, True)
> Every time I make this request (after the first time for that
> particular bunny), it increments by 3 or 4 instead of by 1.
> single_bunny() just calls the object_detail() generic view with some
> extra context.
> How can I track down what's going on?  Or am I doing something
> completely braindead?
> Thanks!

You don't need temp varible.  and there is a short cut for your 
This would do

def adopt_bunny(request, id):
   bunny = get_object_or_404(Bunny, pk=id)
   bunny.adoption_count += 1

Don't know why it would inc by 3 or 4.  Assuming you are running dev 
server...  I'd add a print statement in there

   print "bunny %s: %s" % (bunny.id, bunny.adoption_count)

just to see when/if this code is being called multiple times and the 
value of adoption_count when it is.  Maybe add print to Bunny's save 
method to see where else it is getting modified/saved.

Also I'd probably make a method in the BunnyModel instead of doing this 
in the view.  Maybe overkill for this case (but today's overkill is 
tomorrow's maintenance saving feature)

   def adopt(self):
       self.adoption_count += 1

Then from your view call it

def adopt_bunny(request, id):
   bunny = get_object_or_404(Bunny, pk=id)
   return single_bunny(request, id, True)

Norman J. Harman Jr.  512 912-5939
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