mailman seens to be aimed at something like google groups and I doing
a newletter so I just mailing list and stats thanks for you suggestion

On May 23, 4:56 am, Jeff Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> sebey wrote:
> > OK so as you may see I have a lot of questions in helping build my
> > django project so here they are
> >    1. with models do just create the fields that you need?
> More or less-- yes
> >    2. how can I import rss feeds(i am running a podcast network) from
> > other sites/soures?(models,views,admin etc)
> When you say "import rss feeds" that could mean several things. It looks
> like you basically want an rss client that is written in django. There
> might be a project like that already, there might not. You'd need to
> find or write python code that can understand the rss feed itself. You
> can probably get articles to be stored in a django model. I'd really
> need to know more of what you are trying to do to give the answer you want.>  
>   3. I want to make an email newsletter and I want to know how to
> > make an email list in django?
> django isn't designed to be a mass-emailing system. It can do it, but it
> is very slow compared to using mailing list software. Mailman is written
> in python, and you can have django send off the one e-mail to the
> mailman-driven list. If mailman doesn't suit your needs, you can either
> put up with the slowness that happens when sending thousands of e-mails
> from django's e-mail function, use a different python library to handle
> the e-mail, or write your own python code optimized for sending out mass
> e-mails.>          2. also maybe have django make extra boxs for typing text
> > in
> django can do that with newforms... You can also just generate the text
> boxes in the html part of your templates.>    4. also I need to make a 
> calender I am planning to use google
> > calender cause of ical feeds and things like that can I print these
> > off (an other app maybe)?
> What do you mean "print these off" Django runs on a web server. You can
> build dynamic content from any number of data sources, yes. You can
> generate pdfs, and html documents, and those can be printed. Django is
> on top of python-- anything you can do in python can be done on the fly
> using django.
> I'd suggest going through the django tutorial, and flipping through the
> django book. If you don't have any experience with python, I recommend
> starting with the book "Dive into Python"
> Good luck!
> Jeff Anderson
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