I have a form with two fields

class TestForm (forms.Form):
        EVENT_TYPE_CHOICES = ( ( "", "---Please Select---"),
("01","Individual"), ("02","Team") )
        eventtype =
        participants = forms.IntegerField(required=False, initial=1)

I want to check that if the event type is 01, then the partipants are
not greater than 1.

So, i decided to implement a method

       def clean_participants (self):
               pcd = self.cleaned_data['participants'];

               if pcd > 1:
                   et = self.cleaned_data['eventtype']
                   if et == "01":
                          raise ValidationError ("error message")
               return pcd

This works in all cases except one. When the user does not select the
value for eventtype and enters a value greater than 1 in the
particpants, the program craps out saying key 'eventtype' not found in
cleaned data.

Is this a bug? What is the best way to do this?

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