
With a bit of prompting from another Djangoista I've posted the python
and json "full" serializer implementations to 

Please have a try and let me know if you find and bugs or have any
other feedback.



On Dec 14 2007, 5:02 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> On 18 Nov, 11:25, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sat, 2007-11-17 at 16:21 -0500, Bryan L. Fordham wrote:
> > > So, say I have a model something like this:
> > > class Bar(models.Model):
> > >     user = models.ForeignKey(User)
> > >     name = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
> > >     description = models.TextField()
> > > where user is tied to a django.contrib.auth.models.User entity. When I
> > > serialize this to json, I get:
> > > [{"pk": "1", "model": "foo.bar", "fields": {"description": "", "user":
> > > 1, "name": "Phone"}}]
> > > Which is fine, but I need both the username and user id on the front
> > > end. Is there a simple way to get this info all in one shot that I'm
> > > just missing?
> > > Ideally, it would return something like: ..."user":
> > > {"username":"bfordham", "pk":1}...
> Hi,
> I've come up with a solution to this that is very similar to the way
> Rails does it [1]. I'm also CC-ing to django-developers as it covers
> ticket #4656 and feel it is wandering more into the developer realm
> where a design decision is needed.
> I've written a new python & json serializer for Django. An example
> invocation and output for the Bar model above would look like:
> >>> from django.core import serializers
> >>> serializers.serialize('json',  Bar.objects.all(), 
> >>> relations={'user':{'fields':('username',)}})
>  [{
>     "pk": "1",
>     "model": "foo.bar",
>     "fields": {
>         "description": "",
>         "user": {"pk":"1", "model":"auth.user", "fields":
> {"username":"bfordham"}},
>         "name": "Phone"
>     }
> }]
> The new serializer takes the following keyword arguments:
>     fields - list of fields to be serialized only.
>     excludes - list of fields to be excluded.
>     relations - list of related fields to be serialized or a
> dictionary with the keys being the fields to serialize and the values
> being a dictionary of arguments to pass to sub-serializer. ie. fields,
> excludes, relations, methods.
>     methods - list of methods to include. Methods cannot take
> arguments. Not yet implemented.
>     attributes - list of other class attributes to serialize that
> aren't model fields. Not yet implemented.
> At the moment with no arguments it only serializes regular model
> fields that aren't ForeignKeys or ManyToManys. You have to explicitly
> include related fields using the 'relations' argument. I could make
> this backwards-compatible with the way the serializers work now if
> needed.
> > The serializer doesn't support this. It would take a bit of design work
> > to figure out how to specify such an extension easily. You might like
> > put some thought into that, though.
> > Things that immediately spring to mind as requiring addressing:
> >         - what should the format look like for many-to-many objects (and
> >         making sure we can deserialise as well)
> Here is how I do it with User model as an example:
> >>> serializers.serialize('python',  User.objects.filter(username='jdoe'), 
> >>> relations=('groups',))
> [{
>   'fields': {'date_joined': datetime.datetime(2006, 8, 14, 10, 34,
> 56),
>              'email': u'[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
>              'first_name': u'',
>              'groups': [{'fields': {'name': u'group1'},
>                          'model': u'auth.group',
>                          'pk': 2},
>                         {'fields': {'name': u'group2'},
>                          'model': u'auth.group',
>                          'pk': 1}],
>              'is_active': True,
>              'is_staff': True,
>              'is_superuser': False,
>              'last_login': datetime.datetime(2007, 9, 19, 12, 29, 2,
> 649167),
>              'last_name': u'',
>              'password': u'sha1$xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
>              'username': u'jdoe'},
>   'model': u'auth.user',
>   'pk': 2}]
> >         - once you add one level of indirection, it will take
> >         approximately 8 seconds for somebody to want to go two levels
> >         and more. So it should be extensible beyond just "the immediate
> >         foreign key relative".
> My serialiser allows for as many levels of indirection as you want as
> well as specifying which fields you want included, excluded etc at
> each level.
> >         - reverse relations
> Not yet implemented.
> >         - deserialisation, if possible.
> Not yet implemented.
> >         - is it easy to say "all the normal fields plus these extra
> >         ones".
> The attributes and methods arguments are for this, though I haven't
> implemented that part either and I'm thinking of merging the two
> arguments into one but haven't thought of a good name. Perhaps
> "extras"?
> >         - could passing a ValuesQuerySet to the serializer, together
> >         with #5768 be a solution in some fashion (as a way of specifying
> >         these extra fields)?
> > I don't know how easy this would all be or how genuinely useful. Could
> > be worth a bit of thinking, though.
> > Malcolm
> I wrote this because I have a need for it. I'd also like to use it
> with the django_rest_interface project but that would need some
> largish changes for it to work and I'm not certain if it fits in to
> the REST way of doing things.
> What do you think?
> [1]http://dev.rubyonrails.org/browser/trunk/activerecord/lib/active_reco...
> regards
> matthew
> --
> Matthew Flanaganhttp://wadofstuff.blogspot.com

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