Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> If there is a particular whitespace-eating behaviour that you would
> like, you could always implement it yourself in a template tag. If you
> think the template tag could be useful for others, you can share it on
>, or open a ticket to have the tag considered for
> inclusion in Django itself.
> If what you're proposing can't be done in a template tag, we're always
> open to suggestions on how to make Django better. Put down your ideas
> in a ticket, and we'll consider it.

What I'm use to is less of particular tag and more of a change to how 
all tags/templates work.  In short, lines in templates that have only 
tags should be "invisible" i.e. they should not be in the output of that 

If after doing tag processing a line(that had 1+ tags to begin with) 
consists of nothing but whitespace then eliminate that line, including 
it's new line.

line numbers for ref:
1: <foo>{% if bar %}bar{% endif %}
2: {% for i in list %}
3:   i
4:   {% if False %}</foo><foo>{% endif %}
5: {% endfor %}
6: </foo>

which now creates something like this when bar=False, list=[1,2]
3:  1
3:  2

instead outputs this
3:  1
3:  2

But this is a backwards incompatible change, a minor issue, and with 
effort it's possible to work around this issue just not beautifully 
(which contrasts with the rest of Django).

Other stuff is higher priority and the real problem with Django is  I didn't mean to 
sound complainy in previous post, if anyone took it that way.

Norman J. Harman Jr.
Senior Web Specialist, Austin American-Statesman
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info you need to live it up in the big city!

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