On Jun 30, 9:00 pm, "Paolo Ambrosio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I just built a test application and it works for me, if I understood
> what is your problem.
> [...]
> P.S.
> I am using the trunk

Many thanks for taking out the time to build a test application.  I
really appreciate that.  Thanks.

Trying to follow in with your example, I realised what was going
wrong.  The login template I am working with extends a base template,
and so naturally fills in blocks only from the parent template.  The
{% ifequal %} expression, for some reason that didn't stand out
before, was placed outside of any of the required main blocks.  No
sooner than I moved the expression inside one of the main blocks that
it started to work as expected.

Many thanks, again.  :)

Ayaz Ahmed Khan
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