On Tue, 2008-07-01 at 19:41 +0200, Torsten Bronger wrote:
> Hallöchen!
> I use the current SVN version of Django.
> Consider the following models:
>     class Process(models.Model):
>         ...
>     class SpecialProcess(Process):
>         ...
>     class Sample(models.Model):
>         processes = models.ManyToManyField(Process)
>         ...
> Then I populate one sample with a lot of SpecialProcesses.  Now,
> when I try to walk through the processes of this sample with
>     for process in sample.processes.all():
>         print process.__class__.__name__
> I get a lot of "Process" instead of "SpecialProcess".  Apparently,
> the popymorphic many-to-many relationsship is not fully resolved.
> Am I doing something wrong or is it a limitation of Django?


this is a limitation of relational databases. Polymorphism and
relational databases do not go well together.

You can try accessing the process.specialprocess attribute -- if this
process was indeed a SpecialProcess model, you'd get back the
SpecialProcess class, and an error in every other case.

Please note that this is documented behavior:


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