On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 12:15 AM, Torsten Bronger <

> I was moderated (because my first posting), and even worse, couldn't
> post through Gmane without being on the list, which was *very*
> awkward, and then they have spam here nevertheless?

If you don't want your group to be absolutely overrun with spam, you pretty
much have to restrict posting to members only.

Even that doesn't deter some spammers, particularly for a group with nearly
10,000 members and high activity.  So, django-users recently started manual
moderation of messages from new members ("new" is defined as anyone who has
joined after this switch was flipped).  Since it was turned on three weeks
ago, it has prevented an average of 4 to 5 spam posts per day from getting
through to the group.

This post was not by a new member, so it wasn't moderated.  I can't read
Arabic so while I may suspect it is spam, I can't say that for sure.  There
are a couple of things about it that argue against it being spam -- it
doesn't contain a gazillion links and it is not an identical copy of a
message the user posted to a bunch of groups.  Looking at the user's profile
doesn't show a pattern of mass posting; the account has been active for six
months without posting much of anything anywhere.  For all I know it's a
legitimate query -- we have had people post in French or Spanish or Italian
and get some help and direction to other-language Django groups.

So, yes, there are some spam-prevention measures taken in an attempt to keep
spam off this list, but they are not perfect.  The moderators are human and
it's probably just a matter of time before someone chooses "post" when they
mean "remove" and some spam will be posted.  I think the reverse has
happened at least once, which is also inconvenient.  Such is life, in the
grand scheme of things ignoring some spam or re-posting a mistakenly
discarded post is not that big a deal.


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