ok, it's actually pretty complicated but I'll give you the specific

I'm making a dictionary of form fields, views.py:

        form = RetailForm()
        categories = ['Toys', 'Bird']
        checkboxlist = {}

        for category in categories:
            num = 0
            for field in form:
                if field.help_text == category:
                        checkboxlist[category+'%s' % num] = field
                        num += 1
        return render_to_response('RetailForm.html', {'form': form,
'checkdata': checkboxlist})

And then im displaying them on a template, RetailForm.html:

      The dictionary: {{ checkdata }}
      <br />
      <br />
      Dictionary items:
      {% for check in checkdata %}
        {{ check }}
      {% endfor %}

Here is the output:

The dictionary: {'Toys0': <django.newforms.forms.BoundField object at
0x1bb4e50>, 'Toys1': <django.newforms.forms.BoundField object at
0x1bb4e90>, 'Bird0': <django.newforms.forms.BoundField object at

Dictionary items: Toys0 Toys1 Bird0

The dictionary items are outputting the variable names as strings, but
i would like them to actually output the checkbox input. They are
obviously getting put into the dictionary as objects. Any ideas on how
i can output the value of those variables on the page instead?
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