I am using django 0.96.1 mostly for its database API on a large project.  I 
need to retrieve many-ended relationship data.  For example, for every user, 
I need to know what groups they are in.  As expected, there is a many-to-many 

The code I've written will get a queryset of users filtered by some arbitrary 
criteria, call the values() method, and then iterate over the results.  For 
each row, it calls a "getter" for the group relationship.  That getter 
receives a parameter current_user_id and does this:

group.objects.filter(user__id__exact = current_user_id).values('id')

It then converts the list of dictionaries into just a list of integers, and 
returns the results.  This way I am augmenting the user.objects.values() 
result set with lists of foreign keys representing the many-end of a 
relationship.  I end up with results looking like this:

[{ 'username' : 'jshmoe', 'first_name' : 'Joe', 'last_name' : 'Shmoe', 'groups' 
[ 3, 5, 6, 14] }]

The problem is that this is slow, I think because it's executing a new 
database query for each user.  It's even worse because many objects in my 
data model have several many-ended relationships.  Using 6 such getters on 
1000 users is taking about 8 seconds to return, running on respectable 

Is there an appropriate django way to run only one query to retrieve all of 
these results?  I guess all I really need is the contents of the user_groups 
table, filtered by some collection of user ids.  Then I can do the matching 
myself in code.

Thanks for your help,

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