Ok, no responses.....let's try this another way....

Is there a way to swap out the model class that represents User?

On Jul 4, 3:24 pm, brydon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey,
> I'm assuming I can always fork auth and modify the User class
> directly, however, I'd prefer to avoid that.
> I'd like to add a new model class called Company. Data and users
> within a company are mutually exclusive. I'd therefore like to allow
> usernames to be unique in the context of a Company.
> If I hacked auth.User then I'd be doing something like...
> unique_together = (("username", "company"),)
> For now, the user's company is available through their profile,
> User.get_profile().company.
> Any thoughts how to accomplish this without forking auth??
> thanks,
> brydon
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