Hades_L wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm having trouble dealing with User module. In my application, I have
> two types of users who should be able to log in.
> The first one is an Employee, so I have a code like this:
> class Employee(models.Model):
>    someFields = ...
>    ...
>    user = models.ForeignKey(User)
> and the other model is a Client:
> class Client(models.Model):
>    otherFields...
>    user = models.ForeignKey(User)
> In my settings.py file I define AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE as myapp.Employee.
> So you see the problem here, I can't associate my client's profile
> with the User model. I could manage myself to deal with this without
> using get_profile decorator, but if someone ever had a similar issue,
> i'd love to know how he design his application to have a beautiful
> solution (only one model for Employee and Client ?). :)

I'd guess having only one model is the "correct" answer most of the 
time.  Can't really say what's best without knowing more about your 
project.  But, here are a few ideas to consider.

Have only one user_profile model and use the auth permissions / groups 
system to distinguish between client/employee. 

Have only one (lite) user_profile model and use contenttypes framework 
to "connect" employee records to Employee Model and clients to Client 
Model. http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/contenttypes/

Ditch/copy Django's auth and roll your own/modify it to work they way 
you need.

Norman J. Harman Jr.
Senior Web Specialist, Austin American-Statesman
You've got fun!  Check out Austin360.com for all the entertainment
info you need to live it up in the big city!

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