On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 11:46 AM, Joshua Jonah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yeah, but the point is to make the list exactly divisible, is there a
> better way to do this? I'm then taking the number of fields and dividing
> them by four, then outputting that number of items in each column.

I apologize for not catching this when I looked at your code before,
but he's right about the "not" thing. Consider this:

>>> make_divisible_by_four(num):
...     while num % 4:
...         num += 1
...     return num
>>> make_divisible_by_four(8)
>>> make_divisible_by_four(10)
>>> make_divisible_by_four(33)

Of course, you're welcome to go with Scott's suggestion of doing all
the math in one line, but it loses a bit readability going that way.
On the flip side, it probably executes slightly faster, but probably
not enough to make much different in the real world.


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