My site works fine locally mysql, sqlite and postgresql. On the server
it worked fine om mysql - myisam (well, as long you can speak about
fine for that database). I'm trying to convert to postgresql,
everything is configured correct and when i execute 'python
syncdb --noinput' I just nicely receive Segmentation fault.

Since I have 3 django installations (don't ask, we're converting other
apps right now) I thought it could be using an outdated
django distribution, so I ran 'python --version', which
gives me nicely '1.0-beta_1-SVN-8534'. So, no problem there (also
tried with older revisions to make sure).

I have to say: the database is 'remote' (2 different virtual machines,
one for database, one for apache). But this works since our phppgadmin
is doing it's job.

Any ideas?

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