On Sunday 24 Aug 2008, Tim Sawyer wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using the newforms admin stuff, and I'd like to use my own URL for the
> login page for the admin site.
> So, if someone goes to /admin on my site (which is where the admin site is
> located), I'd like to redirect to /private/login/?next=/admin.
> (The reason I want to do that is that I have some custom code on the login
> that looks for and removes a suffix before passing through to the user
> authentication code.)
> Is this straightforward?

Probably not the neatest solution, but it works.

1) in urls.py, set the login template after autodiscover:

admin.site.login_template = 'registration/login_redirect.html'

In the registration/login_redirect.html template, redirect to the login page 
you want:

                <meta http-equiv="refresh" 


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