I think flatpages definitely still have their uses. Morsels don't  
create new pages, they only get shown on existing ones.
With the flatpage fallback middleware, flatpage xml sitemaps and a bit  
of custom navigation code you can let users add pages anywhere they  
want in a site and have it show up in menus.

Of course, you could achieve the same effect by applying some of the  
flatpage app code to morsels, but it will just confuse users, having  
morsels that just customize content in existing pages mixed in with  
others that create new pages.

A more interesting suggestion, IMO, would be to merge flatpages and  
morsels into a single app, which would make sense because both deal  
with static, admin-editable content. FlatThings?


On 27/08/2008, at 12:00 AM, lingrlongr wrote:

> It makes me wonder now though.  If I can just include a bunch of
> morsels on a page, why even bother using flatpages anymore??  That
> just makes things more difficult to maintain.  Thoughts?
> On Aug 21, 5:19 am, Itai Tavor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> At first glance (and, quite possibly, second and third) django- 
>> morsels
>> might look like a clone of django-chunks 
>> (http://code.google.com/p/django-chunks/
>> ). Both apps attempt to solve the same problem, and in fact, I wrote
>> this app after seeing and trying out django-chunks (so thanks, Clint
>> Ecker!). But the feature set and functions differ enough to justify
>> the existence of a second implementation.
>> These apps provide a way to store partial page content in the
>> database, and manage it in the admin app, when this content is
>> integrated in pages that also contain dynamic features. I always  
>> dealt
>> with this using FlatPages and templatetags (custom-written for each
>> new project) that included them in templates. Looking at django-
>> chunks, I realized a few things:
>> 1) The templatetags I've already written worked better, for my own
>> use, than the key-based approach of django-chunks.
>> 2) Using a dedicated model for this type of content made a lot of  
>> sense.
>> 3) Merging this model and all those custom templatetags I already had
>> into a reusable app also made sense.
>> 4) I needed a name that didn't have "chunks" in it.
>> The main features of django-morselsare:
>> * Each morsel can be tied to a site page by specifying the page's URL
>> in the morsel.
>> * Differentmorselscan be used in the same page by adding arbitrary
>> names to the morsel's URL.
>> *Morselscan be inherited from higher levels in the site's URL
>> hierarchy. This allows the content of a single morsel to be displayed
>> in a whole site section, while being overriden by othermorselsin
>> specific pages within the section.
>> *Morselscan include an optional title, which may be used to identify
>> the morsel and may also be displayed in templates using the morsel.
>> * Two custom templatetags - morsel and withmorsel - allowmorselsto
>> be used in various, flexible ways.
>> *Morselscan be locked, which prevents them from being deleted. This
>> is intended to prevent accidental deletion of requiredmorsels, as
>> having to explicitly unlock a morsel before deleting it should make
>> the user think twice about it.
>> * If the typogrify app (http://code.google.com/p/typogrify/) is
>> installed, morsel content will be typogrified when rendered using the
>> morsel templatetag.
>> You can find django-morselsat <http://code.google.com/p/django-morsels/ 
>> >.
>> Itai
> >

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