I've raised the following ticket for this issue:


Have also confirmed on latest from svn, 1.0-beta_2-SVN-8643. The
ticket includes all the files needed to reproduce the problem.

On Aug 27, 5:35 pm, "Fran O'Reilly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've got a situation where even though the user has selected language
> "en", the "en_US" translations are being rendered. My setup has three
> languages - "en", "en-us" and "en-gb". I also have three locale
> translations corresponding, i.e. "en", "en_GB" and "en_US".
> Anyone seen a similar problem before?
> My settings file has the following:
> ugettext = lambda s: s
>     ('en', ugettext('English (Default)')),
>     ('en-us', ugettext('English (American)')),
>     ('en-gb', ugettext('English (British)')),
> )
> I have created translations for each of the three locales above using
> the normal django-admin.py commands:
> % django-admin.py makemessages -l en
> % django-admin.py makemessages -l en-gb
> % django-admin.py makemessages -l en-us
> ... then filled in the django.po files with the translations (for this
> test, I made sure to use text that was different for each locale so I
> could tell which translations were coming through), then :
> % django-admin.py compilemessages
> then restart my server to pick them up.
> I also have locale middleware setup so that LANGUAGE_CODE is available
> on the request. Here's my settings.py:
>     'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware',
>     'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware',
>     'django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware',
>     'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware',
>     'django.middleware.doc.XViewMiddleware',
>     'django.middleware.transaction.TransactionMiddleware',
> )
> Here's a snippet from my template. It lives at /index.html/ and has a
> dropdown control that allows the user to select the default language.
> It's basically just a homepage where the user chooses their preferred
> language setting with a dropdown form and submit button. It hooks into
> the django set-language view (django.conf.urls.i18n) being mapped to
> the url /i18n/setlang/. It has a h1 element that is translated as well
> as a debug print of the value of request.LANGUAGE_CODE. The "Homepage"
> text is translated in each of the locale's django.po files with text
> like "Homepage (en)", "Homepage (en-gb)" or "Homepage (en-us)" so I
> can tell which translation is coming through to the template.
> --snip--
> <form action="/i18n/setlang/" method="post">
> <input name="next" type="hidden" value="/index.html" />
> <label for="lang">{% trans "Current selected native language/dialect"
> %}</label>
> <select id="lang" name="language">
> {% for lang in LANGUAGES %}
> <option value="{{ lang.0 }}" {% ifequal lang.0 request.LANGUAGE_CODE
> %}selected {% endifequal %}>{{ lang.1 }}</option>
> {% endfor %}
> </select>
> <input type="submit" value="Change" />
> </form>
> <p>LANGUAGE_CODE={{ request.LANGUAGE_CODE }}</p>
> <h1>{% trans "Homepage" %}</h1>
> --snip--
> So when I select the language "en", the template renders the "en_US"
> values in the template which is wrong - expect "en" locale. If I
> switch to "en-gb" or "en-us", it works as you'd expect, pulling back
> the en_GB or en_US locale translations. Just with "en", for some
> reason, it pulls back the "en_US" translations, but obviously I'd
> expect the "en" translation to come back.
> Also very odd: If I take out the "en_US" locale and language code from
> the above, the "en" and "en_GB" locales now work correctly! It's as if
> there were something special about the "en_US" locale in the code
> somewhere?!
> I'm running django svn 8015, about a month old or thereabouts. Haven't
> had time to try this on the latest svn.
> Any help appreciated,
> Fran O'Reilly.
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