Hi everyone,

So I have a problem here.  I have a series of forms to allow someone
to create recipes, and I decided to build them with Django's form
objects.  The issue is that newly saved data doesn't appear as an
option on another form that I bring in as part of a ChoiceField.  An
example that I will provide relevant code for is someone fills out a
form to add a new IngredientType.  They save and all is well (it goes
in the DB and everything).  However, when I go to the Ingredient form
which has all IngredientTypes in a dropdown, the new type isn't listed
(although old ones are).  The data doesn't appear until I restart my
development server.

Here's the relevant code:

>From forms.py:

class IngredientForm(forms.Form):
    title = forms.CharField(max_length=50,
                            label=_(u'Ingredient Name'))
    type = forms.ChoiceField(choices=chain([('',
'Type')],IngredientType.objects.values_list('id', 'type')),
                             label=_(u'Ingredient Type'))

>From views.py:

def ingredient(request):
    if request.POST.has_key('saveobj'):
        f = IngredientForm(request.POST,auto_id='id-%s')
        if f.is_valid() and f.cleaned_data['title'] != '':
            ingredient = Ingredient(title=f.cleaned_data['title'],
            return render_to_response('cbook/object_done.html',
{'value': ingredient.id, 'title': escape(ingredient.title) })
        f = IngredientForm(auto_id='id-%s')
    return render_to_response('cbook/object_add.html', {'form': f,
'title': 'Add Ingredient'})

If anyone has any idea, it would be greatly appreciated.  Also, if you
need more of the code, just let me know.  Thanks.
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