
I'm running a fairly large website (10,000 news items). Initially it
was made in ASP with MSSQL, then I took the project over and ported it
to PHP and MYSQL. Finally, 6 months ago I ported it to Django and

Now, ever since the site has been running on Django, I've received
about a dozen error emails every couple of days (once I even received
400 overnight!). Those errors are systematically caused by web
crawlers (yahoo slurp, googlebot, msn, yeti, etc.). It systematically
chokes on the same line of code, which is loading some data from file
caching. The traceback is pretty much always as follows:

 File "/MYPATH/apps/news/templatetags/news_tags.py", line 13, in
   cached_sidebar = cache.get('the_sidebar')

 File "/MYPATH/django/core/cache/backends/filebased.py", line 50, in
   return pickle.load(f)

UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0x8a in position
5999: unexpected code byte

The actual utf-8 character varies each time.

I spent a lot of time cleaning up, reorganising and improving the
code... in vain. Now I strongly suspect it might be because of the
data being corrupted in some way.

Now, what puzzles me is that all the URLs which fail with web
crawlers, actually work perfectly well when I simply open them in a

The code has always followed a recent trunk of Django and now runs on
1.0. I have already raised that issue in this mailing list a couple of
times in the past, but I didn't get much help. I haven't opened a
ticket because I cannot reproduce the error myself (it only happens
with web crawlers) and because I suspect it might be because of my
setup (no other site that I have and use file caching have this

I could also say that the site was originally running with mod_python,
then with mod_wsgi, and has even moved servers. After all these
changes the problem is still there, to it seems to be independent from
server configuration.

So, any hint to debug this would be very much appreciated. If you
think this is worth filing a ticket, I'd also appreciate any hint on
how to phrase this problem correctly.

Thanks a lot for your help.

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