On Sep 18, 11:20 am, Sérgio Durand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> would be this you are looking for ?
> python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print 
> get_python_lib()"
> []'s
> Sergio Durand
> KillaBee escreveu:
> > I need to edit my pythonpath, but where it?
This is django .90, but I have a Mysql db in setting.py and I am
trying to link Django with this DB. I run this command to do this.

export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=app.settings    No errors
django-admin.py init --settings=app.settings  I get this error.

EnvironmentError: Could not import DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE
'app.settings' (is it on sys.path?): No module named app.settings

It probable not in sys.path because I don't have one.  Do I put one
in? wronge command?  settings.py?  At this point it is the DB, django
and a place to connect the two.

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