On Sep 19, 10:45 am, Jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have read through that. It has taken me around and around in
> circles. I have spent a day on this and haven't typed a line of code.
> The guide seems to be written for OSX or Linux. As a Windows user I
> feel lost, confused and frustrated.
> I even went out to my library and rented a copy of their Django
> book... yet that doesn't cover how to get going on XP...

What exactly are you having problems with? The tutorial covers the
usage of the development server quite well. Are you having problems
getting the package, unpacking it, what? What step in the tutorial has
you stumped? Really, I don't want to seem patronizing, but the
tutorial does tell you what you need to do.

I am developing on Windows using the development server. I have also
setup Apache and mod_python on Windows with the XAMPP package using
the instructions on the django doc site. And finally I have setup
Apache and mod_python on a linux server using the same instructions.
The docs don't give every last detail for an apache setup, but if you
are familiar with apache it is not hard at all. But, as Karen said,
for learning and development, the development server is the best and
easiest option.
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