On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 4:07 PM, proteus guy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     Here's a fun one for you testing gurus! I have a Django app that uses an
> irc server to communicate events to a system. My models utilize the django
> model save signal to post an irc message when something is updated. For unit
> testing I've been able to monkey-patch the IRC connection object no problem
> and everything's dandy. However, most of the tests require fixture objects
> so a certain state is established prior to each test. Since fixtures get
> loaded prior to my unit test code getting loaded the monkey-patching hasn't
> occurred yet and the save signal for the fixture model objects is causing
> the system to attempt to talk to a real irc server. According to the Django
> documentation I can use settings.TEST_RUNNER to get control of the
> fixture/test discovery/execution but this only works for manage.py and is
> ignored by nosetests (and its Django plugin).
>     Appreciate any ideas...

The solution here is easy - write your own custom test runner. The
default Django test runner monkeypatches the mail sending libraries
and the template generation. You need to monkeypatch one of your
internal capabilites, so you will need to write a custom test runner
that does so. I haven't looked at the nosetests test runner, but I'd
be surprised if it can't be substantially reused (or at the very
least, copied) for your own custom test runner.

Russ Magee %-)

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