When a Django process terminates, I get the following error message:

Exception exceptions.TypeError: "'NoneType' object is not callable"
in  ignored

I poked around and there appears to be a problem with garbage
collecting instances of django.contrib.gis.geos.base.GEOSGeometry

To reproduce, create a Django project with two apps installed in the
settings file. Then add / change the following:

----- django_project/consts.py -----

from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point
SOME_CONST = Point(1,1)

----- django_project/app_one/models.py -----

from django_project.consts import SOME_CONST

----- django_project/app_two/models.py -----

from django_project.consts import SOME_CONST


Start the shell up. Everything should load just fine. When you close
however, you should get the TypeError. If you run python with the
verbose option, you'll notice that it throws the error when it tries
to clean up django_project.app_two.models (or maybe app_one.models).

If you switch SOME_CONST to some other object (like a datetime), you
won't get the exception. You will get it however so long as SOME_CONST
is a Point, Polygon, or any other instance of

It seems like when app_one is garbage collected, SOME_CONST is
removed / set to None. Then when app_two is collected, it also tries
to garbage collect SOME_CONST but can't find it.

Any ideas? It doesn't seem to be breaking anything in the app, but it
is really annoying.

-- Andrew

P.S. This seems to be the same problem as here, except with GeoDjango
instead of wxPython: 

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