On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 7:35 AM, jbarker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The issue is that WEEKDAYS_ABBR is not defined in /usr/lib/python2.5/
> site-packages/django/utils/dates.py so it's not found. Edit dates.py
> and add it in.
For anyone who hits this problem, just editing dates.py to contain
WEEKDAYS_ABBR is not the way to fix it.  Hitting this problem indicates you
installed Django 1.0 on top of some earlier level of Django without first
removing the old level, and what you wind up with is a mixture of old and
new files -- this dates.py file is not the only one affected.  You need to
go back and remove Django entirely and reinstall in order to get a complete
Django 1.0 install.


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