On Sep 25, 2008, at 9:23 PM, Prairie Dogg wrote:

> I'm trying to set up a new server to host several existing django
> sites.  The stack is:
> Ubuntu Hardy Heron
> Apache 2.2 MPM Worker w/ mod_wsgi (for dynamic content)
> Nginx (for static files)
> I'm migrating away from mod_python.  The django apps run correctly
> under apache mod_wsgi - I've tested this by running the sites under
> Apache directly on port 80, everything works swimmingly.
> Then, I put up an nginx instance to reverse proxy the dynamic content
> and serve static files directly.  nginx serves the static files
> correctly, but the dynamic content hangs indefinitely, eventually
> throwing a 504 timeout error to the browser and leaving this message
> in the nginx error log:
> 2008/09/26 00:38:05 [error] 3544#0: *10 upstream timed out (110:
> Connection timed out) while connecting to upstream, client:
>, server: mysite.com, URL: "/whatever/53/", upstream:
> "";, host: "mysite.com"
> I'm using the exact same nginx virtualhost config as I did under
> mod_python.  Am I wrong to assume that this should Just Work™?  Has
> anyone else experienced this problem when moving from mod_python to
> mod_wsgi?  Any suggestions on what might be going wrong here?

I'm running the same stack with no problems. The only difference I  
could see in our configurations was that I'm using mod_wsgi in daemon  
mode. I'm using mod_wsgi 2.3 and nginx 0.6.32; which do you have?

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