On 1 oct, 21:57, John Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My experimental Django site is has URLs like
> http://allenlux.dyndns.org/cms/weblog/2008/aug/23/website-now-using-r...
> where everything lives under the folder /cms/ ie the Apache
> configuration looks like
> <Location "/cms/">
>     SetHandler python-program
>     PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
>     SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE cms.settings
>     PythonOption django.root /cms
>     PythonDebug On
>     PythonPath "['/home/usr/django-code/', '/usr/lib/python2.5/site-
> packages/django/'] + sys.path"
> </Location>
> Within the application I'm trying to construct real complete URLs by
> concatenating Site.objects.get_current().domain and get_absolute_url()
> for the page object.
> This works fine under some circumstances eg from the Python shell:
> ...>>> Site.objects.get_current().domain
> u'allenlux.dyndns.org/cms'
> ...>>> page[1].get_absolute_url()
> '/weblog/2008/aug/23/website-now-using-radiant/'
> ...>>> Site.objects.get_current().domain+page[1].get_absolute_url()
> u'allenlux.dyndns.org/cms/weblog/2008/aug/23/website-now-using-
> radiant/'
> But when I use the exact same expression in a custom tag, it gives
> thishttp://allenlux.dyndns.org/cms/cms/weblog/2008/aug/23/website-now-usi...
> ie the get_absolute_url() seems to be returning the /cms/ part as
> well.

I think this has to do with '/cms/' being defined in both your domain
name and your apache conf's location directive. Since you tell Django
the django.root is /cms/, it must add it to build an effectively
*absolute* url - that is, one starting at the root of your domain. And
since you have this /cms/ in your sites.domain (which fwiw shouldn't
be the case -  not a valid *domain* name), you end up having this url
path portion twice.  IOW, you shouldn't have /cms/ in your

While we're at it : what's your use case for adding the domain name to
the url ?

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