Hi everyone,

I'm writting a Web App using Django and I got problems to make appear or
deasappear some content.

Here is the code I was using to write a part of the windows:

                      <div id=area>


                  {% for episode in episodes %}
                           <td> {{ episode.number }} </td>
                           <td> {{ episode.title }} </td>
                           <td> {{ episode.season }} </td>
                           {% if episode.date %}
                            <td> {{ episode.date }} </td>
                           {% endif %}
                 {% endfor %}


It works well but now I wan't the window to be empty when opening itself,
then get this content when I clic on a button
So I use a javascript function looking like:

    function fill_area(tabl)

      document.getElementById('area').innerHTML =

      document.getElementById('area').innerHTML += '</table>';

Here is half the code. It works, but i can't use variables in it because
Javascript doesn't recognize them.
I've tried to pass the "episodes" object when calling the fill_area()
function but doesn't work either.

Someone's got an idea?

Thank You.


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